The Project

Transnational Crime & EU Law


The EU-GLOBACT Module aims to promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of EU legal studies at the Host Institution (University of Salerno “UNISA”).


EU-GLOBACT offers a free, high specialized and interdisciplinary course on the emerging EU global counter-crime policy, relevant for the future professional lives of graduates as well as the specialised training of legal and policy practitioners.

The Module is intended to produce shared research and the exchange of ideas in order to identify successful solutions and examples of best practices in fighting transnational crime that could be replicated by all Member States and worldwide.

To this end, EU-GLOBACT combines teaching projects, research initiatives, and community engagement, adopting a multidisciplinary, gender equality, and non-discrimination approach.

Theory & Practice

High Specialized

The teaching schedule includes a 58-hour annual course (30-40 students/year) structured in 4 theoretical units (40h) and 3 learn-by-doing units (18 hrs.).

6 hours a week

58 hours annual

40 hours theoretical units

18 hours learn-by-doing units

Research and Dissemination

The Activities

The research and dissemination activities comprise intensive workshops, webinars, roundtables, and annual conferences open to the general public and to youth participation. They focus on four areas:

Transnational crime, EU Law and global partnership

Towards a coordinated, more targeted and adapted response to specific priority offences (Prof. Anna Oriolo).

Transnational crime, EU Law and the Area of Freedom Security and Justice

Boosting law enforcement and judicial cooperation across member States (Prof. Angela Di Stasi).

Transnational crime, EU Law and new technologies

Ensuring a human rights-based approach to digital challenges (Prof. Michele Nino).

Transnational crime, EU Law and financial system

Reinforcing asset recovery/anti-money laundering, and confiscation measures (Prof. Andrea Castaldo).

From a practical point of view regarding implementation, the EU-GLOBACT activities will combine traditional (legal) teaching with the ‘pragmatic’ approach typical of so-called ‘law clinics’, i.e., applying legal knowledge to concrete cases.

This objective will be achieved by conducting the teaching and research events within the framework of the International & European Criminal Law Observatory (IECLO) and inviting as teachers, guest lecturers, and keynote speakers the main experts in law-enforcement in criminal justice, i.e., judges, prosecutors, and police officers.

Students and Professionals

Target Audience

EU-GLOBACT is primarily addressed at university students but could also be extremely beneficial to legal/justice professionals (judges, prosecutors, lawyers, court staff).

It can also be useful for the training of policymakers, national human rights institutions, as well as civil society organizations, and is also open to any body interested on the topic.

The EU-GLOBACT activities and material are freely available on the IECLO and EU-GLOBACT websites. The length of the teaching course is approximately 6 hours a week, and those who complete it can obtain an individualised ‘Statement of accomplishment’.

How to Access to EU-GLOBACT Activities

To access to the course and events, you need to sign up here; it only takes 2 minutes.

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