On March 24, 2025, starting at 10:00 a.m. in the “A. Catania” room of the Department of Legal Sciences (DSG) of the University of Salerno (UNISA), a seminar of the Jean Monnet Course EU-GLOBACT (Transnational Crime & EU Law) co-funded by the European Commission (2023-2026) and coordinated by Prof. Anna Oriolo (Associate Professor of International Law, UNISA) will be held.

The meeting is dedicated to the theme “RIGHT TO THE TRUTH VS. IMMUNITY FROM JURISDICTION: INTERNATIONAL AND EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVES”, in which Salvatore Attanasio, father of the Italian diplomat Luca Attanasio, ambassador of Italy to the Democratic Republic of Congo and victim of a tragic attack in Goma, in the Province of North Kivu, where the carabiniere Vittorio Iacovacci and the Congolese driver Mustapha Milambo also lost their lives, on a mission together with the ambassador on behalf of the World Food Programme (WFP) of the United Nations.

The event is part of the dissemination activities of the multidisciplinary Observatory IECLO (International and European Criminal Law Observatory on Cultural Issues, Human Rights and Security), based at the Department of Legal Sciences and directed by Prof. Anna Oriolo who will present the initiative and coordinate the work. 

After the institutional greetings of the Rector of the University of Salerno, Prof. Vincenzo Loia, the Director of the Department of Legal Sciences, Prof. Francesco Fasolino, the Deputy Director of the Department of Legal Sciences and Delegate to the Third Mission of the Department, Prof. Antonio Tucci, and the President of the Didactic Council of the Degree Course in Law, Prof. Giuseppe D’Angelo, the event will see the precious testimony of Salvatore Attanasio on the events related to the tragic death of a faithful Servant of the State in circumstances that, on the basis of the subsequent procedural developments, have opened up further scenarios related to the issue of diplomatic immunity and the delicate geopolitical balances inside and outside the Congolese Republic.

This will be followed by the speeches of proff. Angela Di Stasi (Full Professor of International Law and European Union Law, UNISA) Michele Nino (Full Professor of International Law, UNISA), Gaspare Dalia (Researcher in Criminal Procedural Law, UNISA) and Anna Iermano (Associate Professor of International Law, UNISA) and a final debate. see italian version

